Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology)

Thank you. This needs to be said more often and more loudly! I struggle to understand why more don't see this and speak out! But I admit I have lost "friends" and offended relatives in doing so... so be it!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology)

Sorry, just another comment on your statement, "It would be a laudable goal to improve health care for everyone, of course, but the practical translation of this ethos is to purposely and systemically treat certain racial groups in a poorer manner to balance the scales."

If this is what passes as an enlightened approach to distributing resources and services in a multi racial society, then it is predictable that racial groups being treated relatively poorly would seek a way out of the arrangement. The form of this escape could involve secretly cheating the racist rules of the system, creating closed networks of resource and service allocation, increasing physical isolation and segregation, or in the extreme, violent rebellion with the aim of forming a new polity (a bit like what California and Texas did in the 1800s).

It seems to me that we are seeing motion in all of these directions now. This "enlightened approach" to resource and service distribution will promote political instability, requiring an ever stronger authoritarian hand for maintenance.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology)

Wonderfully executed essay. History, philosophy, cdc data, all in one interesting and beautifully written piece. Thank you.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology)

This is fantastic. Thank you for writing this. It sheds additional light on the current difficult situation we all face in this country.

It's remarkable to me how well what De Tocqueville wrote in the 19th century fits speech in America today. And Taleb's "dictatorship of a small minority" describes not only our time and place, but also, I believe, the Roman Empire when Christianity took over, demonizing and eliminating the existing pagan religions in the process. This social dynamic has probably repeated itself thousands of times throughout human history.

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Thank you - informative & wonderful essay. I'm passing on. GOD bless you ...

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