There was so much fear being spread around as with this virus, and it was ridiculous. The fearmongering destroyed lives and people's livelihoods. This stuff nearly led the Big 10 to not play a football season in 2020. Vaccine induced myocarditis was a much greater threat than infection induced myocarditis, even though there were cases of infection induced myocarditis as the chart that Dr. Hoeg shared. However, in the chart, the vaccine induced myocarditis was much great in all age groups than infection induced myocarditis, which goes directly against what the CDC continues to say.

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One of the studies in this article says, "It is likely that elevated cardiac troponin concentrations during COVID-19 in many patients do not reflect significant new myocardial injury and fibrosis, but rather cardiac troponin release from vulnerable hearts with pre-existing scar in the setting of severe illness."

And so I wonder if this might also explain some post-vaccination myocarditis cases.

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I don’t think any reported post-vx myocarditis cases are based on troponin levels alone. The reported cases are a result of a clinical presentation of symptoms in addition to testing (troponin, mri, etc) that better confirms the diagnosis.

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From this post: “Recall that the vaccine myocarditis diagnoses are much less likely to suffer from diagnostic uncertainty because their primary presentation involves a formerly healthy individual presenting with chest pain and cardiac biomarker release indicating cardiac cell death shortly after vaccine administration. All of these patients are then ruled out for other causes of chest pain, and then almost invariably get cardiac imaging or a biopsy to support the diagnosis of myocarditis.”

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Excellent. Thank you very much!

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Reassuring analysis. I recently had an accident that found me on the floor with a broken doorknob in hand. On a Monday I sat down and hit a wall hurting my shoulder. Hoping for a bruise I just wore a sling until anxiety arrived and I took an Uber to the ER at 1AM Sat where they did their thing. Sadly I had cracked my collarbone in a simple fracture but they ran many tests and found an elevated troponin level. I stayed overnight with the ER physician inventing a suitable cause to calm me, an 83 year old man. Later my cardio doctor noted that trauma alone would account for elevated troponin given an EKG was not significant. My heart is likely OK in spite of my two vaccine shots and life itself. Who knows what they wrote up as ICD codes for my visit. They did verify I didn't have an active Covid infection. The collarbone has healed after six weeks in the sling; life goes on.

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Is it possible to get the average age of covid death for each year?

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